Orion Greets Me
Orion greets me
In the early morn
Step out the door
In the Southern sky
Orion greets me
One week left
Before he's asleep
When I step outside
Orion greets me
Hunting far above
Immense space between
Reminded of smallness
About the Author: Brian Bucks lives on a small horse ranch in Western Nebraska and is a husband, father, electrical engineer, and poet.
Monday, October 31, 2016
Orion Greets Me
Sunday, October 30, 2016
Broken places
Deep wounds
Crushed soul
Beyond repair
Beauty marks
About the Author: Brian Bucks lives on a small horse ranch in Western Nebraska and is a husband, father, electrical engineer, and poet.
Saturday, October 29, 2016
Last Day of the Season
Sounds of life fill the air
Whistles of referees
Sounds of kids voices
In excitement of game
Green fields at the end of October
Thump of soccer ball kicked
Sporadic cheers of parents erupt
Red and neon green flags at the corners stiff in the wind
Fields become quiet
Only four teams remain
All the age groups gone
Except the oldest age division
Coolness drifts onto the field
Sun grows low on horizon
Breeze chills the players
Parents huddle to stay warm
Then it is over
Another season drawn to a close
Disperse quickly in fading light
Cleats and shin guards put away
Thursday, October 27, 2016
Two Tracks
Cutting through the prairie
Exposes packed loamy soil
Quiet space fills the air
Pushing out internal noise
Swirls out the soul drain
With each step peace rise
Displaces anxiety
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Mercy and Grace
Mercy and Grace
Soul in liminal space
Between longing, love, and lust
Pulling you close
Praying mercy and grace
All I haven't been
Not what you deserve
Change comes slowly
Truth hard to see
Been let down
By self and others
Belief comes hard
That can be remade
When mind replays
Past failures and heartaches
Hope comes hard
That love can be renewed
Praying mercy and grace
Pulling you close
Between longing, love, and lust
Souls in liminal space
About the Author: Brian Bucks lives on a small horse ranch in Western Nebraska and is a husband, father, electrical engineer, and poet.
Love expressed in belief
Exposes poser of reason
Can't explain heart and soul
Embrace what really know
Love expressed in action
Not a stoic journey
Doesn't yield to scientific method
Yields to heart
Love expressed in risk
Overcome past and fears
Laid open and vulnerable
Only way to know
Love expressed in passion
Giving self away
Defying logic
Crazy desire to know and be known
About the Author: Brian Bucks lives on a small horse ranch in Western Nebraska and is a husband, father, electrical engineer, and poet.
Sunday, October 23, 2016
In the Forge
In the forge's fire
Malleable and soft
Smithy's hammer blows
Forms and shapes
Coals glowing
Immersed in purifying
Heat purging
Humility's softness
Heart forged anew
Each strike on anvil
Remade into original
Recycled and renewed
About the Author: Brian Bucks lives on a small horse ranch in Western Nebraska and is a husband, father, electrical engineer, and poet.
Wind's Caress
Wind caresses my skin
Hair on arms feel its light touch
Like lips softness teasing
Seducing in the warm light
Arouses loving memories
Awakens hopefulness of what can be
Beauty wraps mind
Pulling me close
Submerged in warmth
Rays of love illuminate
Colors of autumn
Seasons of intimacy
About the Author: Brian Bucks lives on a small horse ranch in Western Nebraska and is a husband, father, electrical engineer, and poet.
Friday, October 21, 2016
Waiting to be found
Brown, black, and deep burnt red
A pheasant's loss my gain
Keep it close
As continue walking Molly
A treasure found
In a simple discovery
Beauty and softness
In fading light of day
Hidden Treasure
Hidden Treasure
Unseen glory
Hidden treasure
Unwritten story
Abounding pleasures
Battles well fought
Fulfilling our duty
X marks the spot
Uncover the booty
About the Author: Brian Bucks lives on a small horse ranch in Western Nebraska and is a husband, father, electrical engineer, and poet.
Brick building
Holding money
Power wielded
In fortress
Solemnness of church
False importance of clergy
No risk for them
Love the worship
God like power
Empowering or disempowering
Dream breakers
Dream makers
About the Author: Brian Bucks lives on a small horse ranch in Western Nebraska and is a husband, father, electrical engineer, and poet.
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Branches Leak
Between Autumn golden leaves
Soft light between branches leaks
Quaking in the gently breeze
Interplays gently
Season discover
Awakens accidentally
Pressed together
Rustling leaves sing
Matchmaker so clever
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Unseen Bully
Unseen Bully
Sound of the wind
An unseen bully
Pushing trees violently
Stripping them nude
About the Author: Brian Bucks lives on a small horse ranch in Western Nebraska and is a husband, father, electrical engineer, and poet.
Sunday, October 16, 2016
Truth Slap
Truth Slap
When truth slaps
Attention captured
Thunder claps
Soul's explosive mixture
What once made sense
Blended and garbled
No longer a defense
Losing marbles
Unsteady as gaze
Change in gravity
Reality ablaze
Exposes internal cavity
About the Author: Brian Bucks lives on a small horse ranch in Western Nebraska and is a husband, father, electrical engineer, and poet.
Saturday, October 15, 2016
West of Jacksonville
West of Jacksonville
West of Jacksonville on I-72 there he was,
In woody cover near the on ramp.
Peering out from the edge at midday,
Cautious coyotee studying the world.
Traffic speeding past,
Goes unnoticed.
Wildness in our midst,
Just an observation away.
Wild parts within,
On the fringe of consciousness.
Lurking for opportunities,
To surface and hunt.
Places of passion repressed,
Eruption of love expressed.
Restraints removed,
What's dead resurrected.
Fully alive,
Fringes of me welcomed.
Integration of being,
Washed in love and flooded with peace.
About the Author: Brian Bucks lives on a small horse ranch in Western Nebraska and is a husband, father, electrical engineer, and poet.
Saturday, October 8, 2016
Catch a Smile
Dust wafts in the air
Down the dirt road I go
Filling the cab with talc like powder
Transporting me back to a happy time
Puffy dust cloud streaks behind
Vapor trail of time travel
Memory flares
Dust's taste and smell a gravitational pull
In the mountains with father
Dirt roads in mid-Summer
Rough as a cob he would say
Until we reached our destination
A stream in the Sangre De Cristo's
Trout dancing on the water
As reel it in
Catch a smile on my face
About the Author: Brian Bucks lives on a small horse ranch in Western Nebraska and is a husband, father, electrical engineer, and poet.
Thursday, October 6, 2016
World is upside down,
What's wrong is right,
What's right is wrong,
Orwellian (1984 and Animal Farm).
Lie becomes truth,
Lawlessness becomes law,
Ignorance becomes knowledge,
Gilliam (movie Brazil).
Guarantee no risk,
Safety no freedom,
Persecute all who oppose,
Bradburian (Fahrenheit 451).
Civilized become animals,
Criminals becomes elite,
Violence becomes peace,
Miller and Kennedy (movie Mad Max).
About the Author: Brian Bucks lives on a small horse ranch in Western Nebraska and is a husband, father, electrical engineer, and poet.
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
Sullen sky hides the sinking sun
Gray clouds cast gloom
Sowing disappointment in the air
Coolness of a Nebraska October day
Schizophrenic day between hot and cold
Stealing green and leaves from the living
Resignation falls like a winter coat
Insulated from season's bitterness
Darkness falls earlier now
About the Author: Brian Bucks lives on a small horse ranch in Western Nebraska and is a husband, father, electrical engineer, and poet.
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
Through the cracks darkness creeps
Daily it lurks and peeps
Death lurks in its lair
Stench in the air
Seal the cracks
No more broken back
Let it rot in its den
Write its obituary in pen
Twinge of pain to let go
Smash it with truthful blow
Grief and suffering surge
Sound the mournful dirge
Love's calm sea settles
You've discover your tough metal
Scarred and bruised
Strengthened and renewed
About the Author: Brian Bucks lives on a small horse ranch in Western Nebraska and is a husband, father, electrical engineer, and poet.
Monday, October 3, 2016
Loosen that Grip
Loosen that Grip
Why the clenched hands
Oh son of man
All that anger held in fist
Such a bitter laundry list
What will it take to loosen grip
Driven by own mental tormentor's whip
Memories burnt into soul
Distorted into hunched up troll
Feeding the victim thar become
Seared mind to overcome
Pain is a harsh master
Relief if loosen grip faster
About the Author: Brian Bucks lives on a small horse ranch in Western Nebraska and is a husband, father, electrical engineer, and poet.
Sunday, October 2, 2016
Sunday's Surprise
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Suzette is pure Arabian of Egyptian blood lines born today. |
Saturday, October 1, 2016
Autumn on the River
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North Platte River Near Morrill, NE. Today |
Shades of green and gold
Limbs outstretched
Paints the river valley
Slowly, teasingly stripping
Bare in few weeks
Beauty blown upon the ground
Starkness of today with what will be
A different kind of beauty
About the Author: Brian Bucks lives on a small horse ranch in Western Nebraska and is a husband, father, electrical engineer, and poet.
Autumn on the River
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North Platte River Near Morrill, NE. Today |
Shades of green and gold
Limbs outstretched
Paints the river valley
Slowly, teasingly stipping
Bare in few weeks
Beauty blown upon the ground
Starkness of today with what will be
A different kind of beauty
About the Author: Brian Bucks lives on a small horse ranch in Western Nebraska and is a husband, father, electrical engineer, and poet.