Sunday, December 5, 2021



I wrote just a phrase
in 0.7mm HB lead
on a yellow sticky note
and that is how
a poem is conceived

Like that first spark
that draws the eye
creative desire plays
with the words

And you ask,
What was the phrase?
"grit comes on sandpaper"

As I mull over the phrase
I think much has been made
about the grit of people - courage, resolve

Yet, just perhaps…
to get to that grit,
the other grit is required
the grit of sandpaper that 
smooths out the rough character

The extra coarseness of 24 grit 
removing the chaff
then moving through the refining
to coarse, medium, fine, and very fine
Exposing and polishing the wood grain
highlighting the beauty
that lies just below the surface
so I can accept the stain

Poem 21-337A
#highplainspoet #westernnebraskathoughtsandlife