Sunday, February 28, 2016
Brown Leaves
Friday, February 26, 2016
Introspection is not protection,
Life doesn't come with directions.
Navigating life without a safety net,
Risk and courage or just fret.
Push the boundary of what has been,
Explore new places and dive right in.
One big jump and plunge in deep,
All resistance begins to seep.
Life to live and love to grow,
Humble self, make self low.
Pride prevents being known,
Projects a garish clown.
Exposure softens all that’s hard,
Heart revealed, all it's broken shards.
Put back together in new way,
Be thankful for another breath today.
About the Author: Brian Bucks lives on a small horse ranch in Western Nebraska and is a husband, father, electrical engineer, and poet.
Thursday, February 25, 2016
Body Paces
Body Paces
Eyes heavy and dry,
Can't sleep even though try.
Mind races,
Body paces.
Cycle goes around,
Explore but nothing found.
No escape from past,
Flooded by regret so fast.
Big picture twisted and bent,
Stuck on replay of event.
Rational thought yields,
Interpretation in left field.
About the Author: Brian Bucks lives on a small horse ranch in Western Nebraska and is a husband, father, electrical engineer, and poet.
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Blue Tent
Blue Tent
The blue tent against barren trees,
White stones dot the hill in the soft breeze.
Hearse will come soon,
Plant the shell in the tomb.
Quietness in moments wait,
Processions come and go for this date.
Always ends the same,
Casket our body reclaims.
Dirt tossed with hollow echo,
Each a gentle blow.
Soft dirt on a Winter's day,
Piled freshly on a grave.
About the Author: Brian Bucks lives on a small horse ranch in Western Nebraska and is a husband, father, electrical engineer, and poet.
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
Moon Jell-O
Moon Jell-O
Moon rests like a banana slice,
Above a Jell-O bed of blue and pink .
Crystal clear stillness beauty of great price,
Once again gratitude and grace beyond the brink.
Today is the moment to live,
All that's been withheld to give.
Overcome fear to dwell in morning,
New robes to wear and adorning.
Caught by beauty in the light,
Takes away to new heights.
Soul awakens from the blight,
Finds salvation and delight.
About the Author: Brian Bucks lives on a small horse ranch in Western Nebraska and is a husband, father, electrical engineer, and poet.
Image is of moon waning in the early morning today.
Monday, February 22, 2016
Early Morning
Early Morning
Moon bright through translucent clouds,
Early morning lit by fullness so proud.
Lesser light hovers low,
Begrudgingly going slow.
Perfect early morning for a walk,
Wish my love would come and talk.
To steal a moment before the day,
Time for us to share hopes and pray.
Gift of a day to embrace,
Nice to share face to face.
Coolness of air upon our skin,
Reminds us each day a gift again.
About the Author: Brian Bucks lives on a small horse ranch in Western Nebraska and is a husband, father, electrical engineer, and poet.
Sunday, February 21, 2016
Beauty All Around
If you enjoy the poetry, I encourage you to consider the book Endurance by Brian Bucks that was finalized yesterday. You can find it on Amazon.
Beauty All Around
Evening light, sun low in sky,
Rainbow cloud catches my eye.
Geese flying into sun,
Swallowed up, blurred into one.
Gift of today in beauty all around,
Open up soul, allow self to be found.
Captured in an instant full of awe,
Creation's bounty fresh and raw.
Awakens what's so easily lost,
Just slow down and see is all it costs.
Peace enters in quiet and quick,
Jars busy brain with a subtle kick.
About the Author: Brian Bucks lives on a small horse ranch in Western Nebraska and is a husband, father, electrical engineer, and poet.
Image is of rainbow cloud with geese flying into sun today.
Saturday, February 20, 2016
Dirt in eyes,
Wonder why?
Grit of life,
Internal strife.
Clear cries,
Words fly.
Mental rut,
Emotionally cut.
About the Author: Brian Bucks lives on a small horse ranch in Western Nebraska and is a husband, father, electrical engineer, and poet.
Thursday, February 18, 2016
Laugh at border collie laying on cusp of ditch,
Body contracted tight, spring like.
Sheep in field at edge near road,
Shepherd stands as a statue.
Dog close by being itself.
Dog's oneness with shepherd and sheep.
Symbiotic beauty observed.
Museum like quality, a glimpse to previous time.
Living history display from biblical times of Jacob and David,
Lone shepherd, lone dog, flock of sheep.
About the Author: Brian Bucks lives on a small horse ranch in Western Nebraska and is a husband, father, electrical engineer, and poet.
Image is of flock of sheep this week by Highway 92.
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Invisible Man
Invisible man,
Not what planned.
Present and not seen.
What can it mean?
Words spoken and not heard,
Musak like chirp of bird.
Ignored in bustle of life,
Supposedly soothes inner strife.
Not a magician's rabbit,
Shoved in a hat that doesn't fit.
Flee from that place,
So much life to embrace.
About the Author: Brian Bucks lives on a small horse ranch in Western Nebraska and is a husband, father, electrical engineer, and poet.
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
Come to Him
Come to Him
Always waiting for Him to come to me,
What would it be if reversed the role?
Me pursuing Him and being free,
Finding new love within my soul?
Expressions and memories created,
Marks made, tattoos dated.
Etched with love deep within,
Eternity's taste now begins.
Don't have to wait till pass away,
Lover's dance starts today.
Paradigm of intimacy shifts,
Oh, life what a gift.
About the Author: Brian Bucks lives on a small horse ranch in Western Nebraska and is a husband, father, electrical engineer, and poet.
Monday, February 15, 2016
Flaming Turkey or Ode to Differential Relays
Flaming Turkey or Ode to Differential Relays
Sunday, February 14, 2016
Heart Broker
Saturday, February 13, 2016
In the predawn hour, double take as they lope weary this time.
They don’t turn but know we are here,
They outrun all their fear.
Pinkish horizon painted on rippling clouds,
Just Molly and me, the silence loud.
Our early morning routine, peace as sun rises,
Grateful for another day with all its surprises.
In the distance hear the horses at the shed,
Restless and wanting to be fed.
They all face our way as return,
Bobbing heads, tummies yearn.
About the Author: Brian Bucks lives on a small horse ranch in Western Nebraska and is a husband, father, electrical engineer, and poet.
Image is dawn February 12, 2016 by Brian Bucks.
Friday, February 12, 2016
Faith is:
The farmer working the ground.
The farmer planting the seed.
Risking again.
Trying again.
Letting go.
Hoping when nothing visible.
Believing God is good.
Repenting and believing forgiven.
Courage to say I'm sorry.
Hope of restoration.
Hope of reconciliation.
Knowing all will be made right in time.
Not killing desires in disappointments.
Honestly looking at the mess.
Courage to truly see.
About the Author: Brian Bucks lives on a small horse ranch in Western Nebraska and is a husband, father, electrical engineer, and poet.
Thursday, February 11, 2016
Another day begins,
Will I explore my soul within?
Easily get busy,
Heart becomes dizzy.
Fortitude required,
To not get stuck in quagmire.
Courage to say no,
Rest in love's glow.
Treasure buried deep,
In undiscovered soul's keep.
Locked behind vaults impenetrable door,
Combination to unlock found when explore.
Explore the hidden places,
Discover own motive of why.
Soul longs to come alive,
Spirit man yearning to thrive.
Chipping away at hardened heart,
Hear the chisel ring when hammer's strike starts.
Protective encasement releases,
All coping and numbness ceases.
Love makes supple and new,
When give up and thought through.
Seed that fell in the ground,
In due season it grew.
About the Author: Brian Bucks lives on a small horse ranch in Western Nebraska and is a husband, father, electrical engineer, and poet.
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
Plant one foot and turn,
Allow love's tug and yearn.
Gaze shifts, transitions to another,
Explore intimacy undiscovered.
Depth of love a person can't fill,
Don't have to wait until...
Adventures with Him full of grace,
Press close to see His face.
This life will fade what's left?
Only what's forged with Him.
Change while still have breathe,
Don't have to live bereft.
Love wins the day,
Conquers fear.
His presence near,
Even on days unclear.
Experienced love causes faith to grow,
Our hope in Him a fiery glow.
Warmth of His presence in darkest place,
With open arms I embrace.
Softly know He's come,
Hear His quiet hum.
Smile lighten face,
Endurance in life's race.
About the Author: Brian Bucks lives on a small horse ranch in Western Nebraska and is a husband, father, electrical engineer, and poet.
Monday, February 8, 2016
Sky gray,
Somber day.
Thoughts far away,
Often pray.
Struggle for life,
Death's slicing knife.
Strands slowly cut,
Anxiety in gut.
Life ebbing with each breathe,
All just stare at death.
Examine heart,
Eternity stark.
Eternal brings,
Deceived, finally seeing.
Eternity begins today,
No further delay.
Grief in letting them go,
Time slows.
Memories awaken,
Loved one can't truly be taken.
About the Author: Brian Bucks lives on a small horse ranch in Western Nebraska and is a husband, father, electrical engineer, and poet.
Sunday, February 7, 2016
Highway 85 North of Cheyenne
Blowing snow.
Drive so slow,
Gets dicey.
In light of day.
Ghostly white,
Snow dances light.
Saturday, February 6, 2016
What Does Heart Say
What does heart say?
Mind constantly reasoning, not allowing heart to play.
Bully self with past scripts.
Scripts that etch into soul, not all are gifts.
Work to be done, not very fun.
What scripts lift up?
What scripts pull down?
Place of reality and raw awareness.
No longer a child.
Scripts aren't sacred.
Some scripts hinder intimacy.
It is time to lay those scripts on the altar.
Bondage to lose.
Freedom to gain.
Grace available to use.
Don't waste the pain.
Suffering rivets and rattles.
No longer satisfied with prattle.
Wakens long lost desires.
Igniting dormant fires.
About the Author: Brian Bucks lives on a small horse ranch in Western Nebraska and is a husband, father, electrical engineer, and poet.
Image is of chalk art done during worship by Brian Bucks.

Friday, February 5, 2016
Quid Pro Quo
Quid Pro Quo
People depressed and hopeless,
Believing best days are gone, copeless.
Politicians hawking their wares,
Make it about them so no one cares.
Gloom and doom,
From media outlets boom.
Flatulence that fills the room,
Stench in air, smell of death in tomb.
Create a crisis to blame,
To them just political game.
Better yet set my opponent on fire,
Character doesn’t matter to a liar.
Leadership vacuum today,
Take action, more than just pray.
Corporations and unions quid pro quo,
Let them "eat cake" as they go.
About the Author: Brian Bucks lives on a small horse ranch in Western Nebraska and is a husband, father, electrical engineer, and poet.
Thursday, February 4, 2016
Will they know my legacy,
When my last breath breathed?
What will be left,
What legacy will I leave?
Each day that goes by,
Planting seed for those who proceed.
Will know of my love,
Will they build upon what I have given?
A father's desire for children to surpass,
To get a head start, not build from scratch.
Sown in love, truth, and courage,
Vulnerable, real, raw, and free.
A father who pressed in courageously,
Going places previous generations couldn't.
Being an example of love and courage,
Imparting love, courage, truthfulness and boldenss.
Building upon those gone before,
Launch pad for children to go on.
Graceful and loving,
Loved while living.
About the Author: Brian Bucks lives on a small horse ranch in Western Nebraska and is a husband, father, electrical engineer, and poet.
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Old Red Tractor
Old Red Tractor
In the predawn darkness ether snorts into the engine's nostrils,
Slow grind of starter as tractor belches.
Coldness resisting the desire to start,
Yet ether is a powerful drug for diesel.
Finally spark catches and rumble starts,
Cold hydraulics whine as cold blood shoots through the system.
As move the whine decreases,
Lowering the blade to move snow.
Driveway covered in seven inches,
Giving way to the red tractor's 60 horses.
Pushing piles of snow out of the way,
Brisk air brushes face, no cab to numb winter.
About the Author: Brian Bucks lives on a small horse ranch in Western Nebraska and is a husband, father, electrical engineer, and poet.
Image is of our 40 year old International tractor.
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
Daily Grind
Daily Grind
Deer moving about in snow.
Herds around Monument, one wants across road.
Brake 'til truck is moving slow.
My presence is a goad.
Turns around.
Unusual just one.
Away she bounds.
People shunned.
Beauty centers thoughts.
Calm the mind.
Mental battles fought.
Release from daily grind.
About the Author: Brian Bucks lives on a small horse ranch in Western Nebraska and is a husband, father, electrical engineer, and poet.
Image is of a deer this evening near Scotts Bluff National Monument.
Monday, February 1, 2016
So want to control,
Hard to let go.
Anxiety shaken,
Desire for control awakens.
Want to control the weather today,
Force it to cooperate and hold at bay.
Consumes energy and time,
Crazy to think it's normal and fine.
Settle my soul,
Anxiety takes toll.
About the Author: Brian Bucks lives on a small horse ranch in Western Nebraska and is a husband, father, electrical engineer, and poet.