As dusk lands gently
hovering above the tree
the owl lights upon cottonwood
with each hoo from perch
spindly sprig bends beneath
Poem 20-130y
#nebraskathoughtsandlife, #highplainspoet, nature, owl, prairie, farm_life,western_nebraska
As dusk lands gently
hovering above the tree
the owl lights upon cottonwood
with each hoo from perch
spindly sprig bends beneath
Poem 20-130y
#nebraskathoughtsandlife, #highplainspoet, nature, owl, prairie, farm_life,western_nebraska
In chairs on the porch we sat
a quarantine quorum
healing moment
where grace given
Love in expression
as wash one another's feet
affirming what God has done
calling forth who we are
Rub oil into the creases
callouses of journey softened
the miles tread to get here
miles left to go
Sweetness envelopes
the blossom of repair
as receive love given
we rest as a family
Poem 20-123W
We did a foot washing as a family.
#westernnebraskathougthsandlife, #highplainspoet, family, spiritual, rest, joy, quarantine