Daniel (18-060Z)
Every time I hear
The song Daniel*
I remember the day
on the tarmac
Waiting on the plane
at Stapleton
The old headphones
Tethered to the seat
Engines rev up,
brakes release
Galloping down the
On an adventure of a
Leaving everyone and
everything behind
Soon enough half a
world away
In the lush jungle
of Papua
As gaze at the stars
and unfamiliar constellations
Realize my love was
Surreal to be so far
Ambivalence of being
in two places at once
Memories play of
7600 miles away
The panhandle of
While present in a
highland valley
All unwrapped each
time I hear Daniel*
About the
Author: Brian Bucks lives on a small horse ranch in Western Nebraska and
is a husband, father, electrical engineer, and poet. (18-060Z)
*Elton John song
From an old fragment
of thought I had written down years ago. The lyrics talk about Daniel on a
plane; and I heard it while taking off from the old Stapleton airport.
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